How long has the Northwest Health Foundation been in operation?
The Foundation was originally registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as the Northern Peace Foundation on January 22, 1996. The Foundation actively fundraised until 2001; then experience a period of inactivity. In September 2007, it was revived and renamed the Northwest Health Foundation. Currently, the Northwest Health Foundation has 8 volunteer Board Members as well as, one part-time Coordinator hired to manage the office and all fundraising activities.
Does the money stay in our communities?
Money raised is used to purchase medical equipment for the Northwest Health Centre in High Level, St. Theresa’s General Hospital in Fort Vermilion, La Crete Continuing Care Centre, the Paddle Prairie Health Centre, the Rainbow Lake Health Centre and the Zama Health Centre.
The Northwest Health Foundation focuses its fundraising efforts on eliminating the need for residents in these rural communities, to travel great distances (3 to 8 hours) for medical services.
Why am I being asked to give?
Your donation plays an important part by helping to supplement government funding. With our current economic challenges, we all must do our part to ensure that residents in our rural northern communities receive the highest quality health care services.
How can I donate?
There are several ways that you can donate to the Northwest Health Foundation:
- Make an online donation. Go to www.canadahelps.org and enter in Northwest Health Foundation under the search engine;
- Alberta Health Services employees can participate in the WinWin Staff Lottery. To sign up email WinWinStaffLottery@albertahealthservices.ca or call 1-844-594-6946;
- Make a tribute gift or a gift in memory of a loved one;
- Host a third-party event;
- Attend one of our special events;
- Become a sponsor;
- Volunteer your time.
Where do I send my donation?
You can download a copy of our Donation Form and send it to the Foundation Coordinator at:
Northwest Health Foundation
11202 – 100 Avenue
High Level AB T0H 1Z0
Ph. 780-841-3241
Fax. 780-926-7383
Email: info@nwhealthfoundation.ca
Online: Visit www.canadahelps.org and enter the Northwest Health Foundation under the search engine.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, the Northwest Health Foundation is a charitable organization registered with Canada Revenue Agency. Gifts over $25 will receive an official tax receipt. Monthly donors will receive one consolidated annual tax receipt which will be mailed within the first few weeks of every February.
What is your Charitable Organization Number:
Our registered charitable organization number is BN 89069-1199 RR0001.
Will my gift be recognized?
Yes, but only if you choose to be recognized. We respect all donors’ wishes and some donors choose to make anonymous gifts. If you would like to be recognized, any donation of $500 or more will receive an engraved leaf on our Donor Recognition Wall. We have three different levels to our Donor Recognition Wall, Level 1- Bronze Donor $500-$2,499.99. Level 2- Silver Donor $2,500.00-$4,999.99. Level 3- Gold Donor- $5,000.00 and up. To find out more information about our Donor Recognition Wall, please contact the Foundation Coordinator.
Can I designate my donation?
Yes, you can have your donation go to any of our AHS health care facilities in Fort Vermilion, High Level, La Crete, Paddle Prairie, Rainbow Lake, and Zama City. You can also direct your donation to specific areas within each facility (i.e. Acute Care, Continuing Care, Home Care).
The Northwest Health Foundation also has Annual Campaigns for major pieces of medical equipment that have been identified as a priority in one of our health care centres. For more information on our Annual Campaigns, {Click Here} to be directed to our Campaigns or contact the Foundation Coordinator.
Will you sell my contact information to other charities or businesses?
Absolutely not! We will not rent, sell or simply give your personal information to anyone. Your personal information is collected for tax receipts only.
If you are eligible to receive a leaf on our Donor Recognition Wall, we will request your permission to engrave your name on a leaf.
From time to time, the Northwest Health Foundation may want to use a photo or your name in one of our publications such as our website, a newsletter, or at one of our special events. We will only do so by first getting you to fill out and sign our Consent for Photography/FIOPP Form.